We offer a 30-day program that invites each participant to explore new habits and tools to reduce their current and future carbon footprint, as well as to contribute with their grain of sand to the global challenge of fighting climate change.
Habits are created after being repeated for more than 21 consecutive days, therefore, in this program we invite you to discover a wide range of small changes that you can make in your routine in order to be more sustainable and raise awareness in your family or your digital community.
You will receive a daily proposal on your phone or in your email inbox with a new way of approaching the different details of your daily life, those that together make a big difference. In addition, each content will include interesting facts related to the topic.
In the Human Resources departments, this initiative is being used as a gamified sustainable employer branding campaign. Their collaborators share on internal or external networks their daily discoveries through a strategic hashtag that fosters team spirit and generates a shared pride of belonging. Many also put them into practice with their families at home so the effect of the campaign gets amplified.
From food and transportation to personal hygiene, recycling and outdoor activities, there are countless small adaptations, very easy to adopt and also convenient money wise, to do in our day to day life, in perfect harmony with mother nature.
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